Beeld van dienst

Arts and Allover patterns

Profielfoto door Fe Melo
exclusief 5% platformkosten
7 dagen

Kleding of accessoires dienst

If you like my work i will gladly work on your project with you!
I will design different and original allover pattern or print art for
t-shirts according to your needs and references,
How do I i work?
1. you send me your references.
2. I will present you with at least 2 different options.
3. I will do up to 4 corrections.
4. I will deliver a great quality work for print.
Please note that if you would like to keep the project private and sign NDA, an additional 30% fee will be added to the project cost.

Wat u krijgt

Additional filetypes can be arranged. Portable Document Format (PDF) Illustrator file (AI) Vector file (EPS) Image file (PNG) Photoshop file (PSD)

Ilustrator file (AI)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)

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