Beeld van dienst

A Stand Out the Crowd Packaging Design

Profielfoto door Fe Melo
exclusief 5% platformkosten
7 dagen

Product verpakking dienst

I love Packaging and If you like my work i will love working with you on this project!
I have years of experience in branding and packaging,
I usually work with references of what the client want i will make 2 options for your choice, according to your references and brand profile.
Turn around is of a week, first drafts will be ready in a couple of days, and then it goes quick , it all depends how quick you provide feedback!
I make up from 4 rounds of revisions and changes , the quicker your feedback the quicker It will be ready!

Wat u krijgt

I can also deliver different color schemes and other files types if necessary upon request.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)
Photoshop file (PSD)

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