Beeld van dienst

A Wow Stand Out From the Crowd Book Cover

Profielfoto door Fe Melo
exclusief 5% platformkosten
7 dagen

Boekomslag dienst

If you like my work ,
I will be happy to make your project come to live!
I work in a wide variation of styles, from Typography covers, to illustrations with a vintage feeling. Lets make you book stand out from the crowd
After discussing the brief I will provide 2-3 sketches for you to choose from. Then I will start working on the chosen option, changing colors and refining the details. We can make adjustments and corrections according to your liking up to 4 turns of feedback!
The process usually takes 3-7 days depending on the speed of your feedback.
Please note that if you would like to keep the project private and sign NDA, an additional 30% fee will be added to the project cost.

Wat u krijgt

I can provide different dimensions for online versions!

Ilustrator file (AI)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Photoshop file (PSD)

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