Deze ontwerpwedstrijd is geëindigd. Wij feliciteren de winnende designer Dzine Solution
Naam organisatie
A1 Garage Door Service
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
Garage Door Installation & Repair
An 11 inch x 6 inch postcard that will be mailed to peoples homes
Andere opmerkingen
This flyer will be mailed to the upscale community in Desert Mountain Arizona. I have included an image of their entrance that I would like included, as well as some picture of a garage doors we installed in their community. The picture with the truck I would like to be on the flyer, but am open to other options
Flyer will need to have our website - as well as the phone number (480) 500-9392
Garage Door Problems? as the headline
Underneath that some where - 6 of your neighbors have been stuck in their garage in the last 30 days, don't be next
I want a coupon for - $99 for garage door tune up
I have included trust logo's I want in the flyer
Feel free to find some nice desert homes and use them in the design
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