Titel en auteur
ENLIVEN: Become 10 Years Younger and Extend Your Healthspan
Siim Land
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Biografie van de auteur
Siim Land is a best-selling author of 8 books. He's one of the world's most renowned biohackers and longevity authors. Siim also holds the world record for one of the world's slowest speeds of epigenetic aging.
Within the pages of 'ENLIVEN: Become 10 Years Younger and Extend Your Healthspan,' you'll embark on an enlightening journey through the latest scientific breakthroughs in anti-aging. This groundbreaking book unveils a treasure trove of insights, guiding you on how to harness the power of cutting-edge research to gracefully slow down the hands of time. Discover the keys to unlocking a more vibrant you as you delve into proven strategies that not only add years to your life but life to your years. With a focus on increasing your healthspan—the ultimate measure of a thriving life—you'll unearth the secrets to living healthier, longer, and with a renewed vitality. Prepare to rewrite your story, rejuvenate your spirit, and embark on a path towards a more youthful and enriched existence.
Age 30-70
Demographics: North America, Europe, 55% female, 45% male
Interests: science, biohacking, health, longevity
Details fysiek boek
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- Blurb
- Biografie van de auteur
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Kindle Direct Publishing
Details e-book
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- Titel
- Naam van de auteur
- Ondertitel
- Nawoord
Details eerste pagina e-book
Laatste pagina
- Blurb
- Biografie van de auteur
- Nawoord
Details laatste pagina e-book
Uitgever e-book
Amazon Kindle
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Visie op advertentiemateriaal
An abstract vitruvian man ascending, vitalizing, transcending
Wat te vermijden
No pills, no supplements, no dumbbells, no exercise, no foods, no blood, no muscle, no plants
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