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What’s In Your Hand? Using God’s Gifts and Talents to Serve Isolated People Groups
Elsie Bush with John Bush
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After serving 46 years with Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL International in Bolivia, Peru, Kenya, and the U.S., John and Elsie Bush now live at Calvary Homes in Lancaster, PA. They can be reached at XX.
When a missionary pilot makes a flight over miles of remote jungle, what has it taken to prepare that aircraft for a safe flight? When tribal people living in that remote place can read Scripture in their own unique language, what made that possible?
This is a story of challenging behind-the-scenes efforts to enable missions to happen. How God used two people as part of a big team serving in support of the Bible translation task. How God enabled translation projects to progress despite limited supplies and subversive activity.
adult, probably 40-50+
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This book describes the life of a missionary in different countries. We're looking for themes of outreach and interacting with different population groups.
I've attached some images that might be helpful to come up with cover ideas. WE ARE INTERESTED IN SEEING OTHER IDEAS TO THESE.
Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you so much for your time and talent with working with this cover!
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