Deze ontwerpwedstrijd is geëindigd. Wij feliciteren de winnende designer J.Chaushev
Naam organisatie
SonoNorway, Ultrasound Leadership Academy, SonoMSK, Course in a box,
Medisch en farmaceutisch
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
We are teaching cutting edge medical ultrasound for doctors all over the world.
I have a Tesla Model S and want a car wrap that is stylish, sporty,
• The car should look like a sportscar.
• Logos provided.
• Would like Ultrasound Leadership Academy and SonoNorway to be most visible.
• Course in a box logo, SonoMSK logo, Ultrasoundpodcast logo, FUA logo should also be clearly visible but smaller.
• Main color could be white (car is white) or maybe green and dark grey/black that covers all or part of the white. Or maybe half and half?
• Design should cover back passenger side windows and rear
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