Deze ontwerpwedstrijd is geëindigd. Wij feliciteren de winnende designer alexmarin
Naam die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Slagzin die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
We offer venture-related services and consulting for established business that need growth capital combined with operational expertise to take their business to the next level. We are a cross-functional team with experience across many industries and business sizes.
1. Balance of Strength and Delicacy: "Iron" represents strength, durability, and resilience, while "Feather" symbolizes lightness, delicacy, and grace. Together, they suggest a balance between robustness and subtlety. our venture seeks to combine strong, reliable foundations with a light, adaptable, and innovative approach, this applies to how we assist business with scaling their operational exterprise.
2. Diverse Portfolio: our company has a diverse range of investments or activities, from manufacturing to tech to fashion investments (iron) with more creative, nimble, or high-growth opportunities (feather).
3. Holistic Approach: , addressing both the hard and soft aspects of venture creation—covering everything from the practical, structural components to the more intangible, creative elements.
4. Contrasting Yet Complementary Elements: The combination of iron and feather can symbolize the integration of seemingly opposite but complementary elements, indicating versatility and adaptability in the company's strategy or services.
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