Naam die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
SS Mictlán
Slagzin die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
We are building a basement recording studio catered towards my own and other heavy / Latin rock bands (not mariachi - would look at bands like Caifanes, Molotov, Soda Estéreo, The Mars Volta).
Entertainment en de kunsten
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Andere opmerkingen
This is for a basement recording studio for hard rock, blues, and Latin rock bands. You can see other artwork we've commissioned at The name and style of the studio are inspired by the Mexican land of the dead, Mictlán - "Subterranean Studios Mictlán" or "SS Mictlán". Would look up the story of Quetzalcoatl in Mictlan. Cartoony and bold designs preferred - ideally something that can be converted to stencil for graffiti. Some combination of Mexican "calacas" or sugar skulls and owls preferred - bonus for something that plays off the theme of the lord of the underworld (symbolized by the owl) looking over travelers in his land.
I’m interested in combination logos. I am attaching some reference images. The skull on yellow background is our band logo - would like to stay in the same comicbook style for this logo, but please do not incorporate that skull logo itself. The others are references for Mictlan - the Mexican land of the dead, the skull disc is the Lord of Mictlan, and owls are often associated with him.
Wedstrijd eindproducten
1 x Logo
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