Naam die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
UPI or Unified Protocol Institute
Slagzin die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
The Unified Protocol Institute is an organization dedicated to making high quality, evidence-based mental health treatment widely available to the patients who need it. Target audience is healthcare systems, private organizations, private practice clinicians, hospitals, and behavioral health centers.
The Unified Protocol is an evidence-based psychotherapy protocol that focuses on how we experience and respond to our emotions. By focusing on the processes that maintain symptoms across a range of emotional disorders, the UP simplifies treatment (i.e., instead of a provider learning 12+ protocols for different diagnoses, they can use the UP to treat the full range of anxiety, depressive, and related disorders).
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I've attached two previous logos that were designed ~10 years ago. I also attached the cover of the treatment manual. The existing logo feels dated.
We are looking for an updated version(s) of the prior logo that are more modern and fresh. I also attached the current landing page for our website-- I like the lavender color because it feels like a reference to the dark purple used previously, but I am open to other color combinations! I am open to a "facelift" of the existing logo, or something completely new.
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1 x Logo
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Als je lettertypen gebruikt waar een licentie voor nodig is, vraag dan aan de klant of die daarmee akkoord gaat. Om licentieredenen is het beter een cliënt van informatie te voorzien over hoe ze het font kunnen aanschaffen in plaats van ze de daadwerkelijke bestanden te sturen.
Tekst in logo's moet worden geconverteerd naar omlijningen.