Naam die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Hard Alpha Capital
Slagzin die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
We are a lending institution that makes hard money loans for house flippers and real estate investors. These are short term loans for acquiring deals where a traditional bank doesn't really make sense. (please just google 'hard money loans' to get a further idea of what exactly it is).
Target audience:
-mostly men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s,
-located in USA
-I'm also attracting older wealthy investors on the other side of the equation (their money that I raise is what I'm lending to my borrowers)
-All of the people I'm dealing with take wealth creation, and investing very seriously.
-My people want to feel wealthy, powerful, and in control.
-We only buy hard assets with our investments (hence HARD alpha)
Onroerend goed en hypotheken
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Andere kleurvereisten
Again, I like Blacks, greys, Reds...I'm open to 33FF9C (soft greens) too. It just needs to convey power and elite...but with class...NOT CORNY or CHEESY. I could be open to gold or silver too.
Andere opmerkingen
I need this logo/branding/website to be strong and powerful. It has to be something a person would want to wear on a shirt or hat and brag about (important because merch will be created) I will be lending money to real estate investors. I also will be taking money from wealthy people to invest. (their money is what is being lent to my borrowers). I like black, red, grey, soft greens (around this 33FF9C) , and maybe salmon? But I'm open. I like a lot of different styles. I like classic, some modern, and everything in between. The bottom line is that I'll know it when I see it.
The company is Hard Alpha Capital. I want the logo to be set up in a way where I can easily interchange the word 'capital' with other words within the brand such as 'investments', 'ventures', 'group', 'assets', 'enterprises'. (Ex: 'Hard Alpha Ventures'). These will eventually be used down the road with the same branding. So the idea is that the logo should be able to be interchanged with any of these words...(imagery should reflect 'Hard Alpha')
This whole design needs to represent "Alpha". Maybe an Alpha animal? Maybe an Alpha Symbol? I'll know it when I see it. If you use an animal, it should probably be just the face, and not the whole body. Maybe the image can be in the background of the words? maybe not...Maybe a good crest style logo will work too.
Wedstrijd eindproducten
1 x Logo
Definitieve bestanden
Als je lettertypen gebruikt waar een licentie voor nodig is, vraag dan aan de klant of die daarmee akkoord gaat. Om licentieredenen is het beter een cliënt van informatie te voorzien over hoe ze het font kunnen aanschaffen in plaats van ze de daadwerkelijke bestanden te sturen.
Tekst in logo's moet worden geconverteerd naar omlijningen.