Naam die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Slagzin die moet worden opgenomen in het logo
Le jeu de quiz qui va vous surprendre !
Beschrijving van de organisatie en de doelgroep
Zenagame is a game brand that creates board games for adults, couples and families/children.
This project aims to create a logo for our new Trivia game, called Insolito (What the qu*z?! for the USA).
The target audience is families but also friends who want to play a trivia game together without any frustration. The game challenges players to answer different types of questions, such as True/False questions, multiple choice questions, Plus or Minus questions, ranking questions or simple questions. Most questions are funny, unusual or surprising. Depending on the type of question, players advance on the game board.
Sample questions:
True or false: The word spam comes from a spicy ham. (True)
MCQ: Which fruit can also be used as a unit of measurement for radioactivity? Mango, Banana, Gooseberry, Apple (Banana)
More or less: The first Star Wars movie was released in 1985. (It is less)
Ranking: Rank these Simpsons members by age from youngest to oldest. Maggie, Bart, Homer, Marge (Maggie, Bart, Marge, Homer)
Final: What is the only U.S. state ending in the letter "g"? (Wyoming)
Each player can answer at the same time using cards from their hands, the first player to 10 points wins.
This is a fun game playable from 14 to 99 years old!
The main creative idea is to have a good time and test your knowledge.
Lots of design possibilities: expressing the surprising or fun aspect, expressing thinking about the issue, expressing the people playing on the game board (race mode of the game) or expressing being the last player left (survival mode of the game)
For information, we have attached the design of our previous games: they are colorful, contrasting and especially modern.
The logo will also be adapted to the design of the card, so if it is adaptable or declinable, it is a plus.
You have to make the logo with the main title but keep in mind in your design that the title can be different depending on the language (1 to 2 words).
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The logo should be as energetic as possible.
Wedstrijd eindproducten
1 x Logo
Definitieve bestanden
Als je lettertypen gebruikt waar een licentie voor nodig is, vraag dan aan de klant of die daarmee akkoord gaat. Om licentieredenen is het beter een cliënt van informatie te voorzien over hoe ze het font kunnen aanschaffen in plaats van ze de daadwerkelijke bestanden te sturen.
Tekst in logo's moet worden geconverteerd naar omlijningen.